Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge Ubuntu fan. I have only tried a few Linux distro’s and have only spent more than a few hours in Ubuntu, but its accessiblity and easy of use are far superior to any of the other that I have tried.
That said, accessiblity and ease of use are relative. I am prepared to spend several hours trouble shooting some configuration files just to accomplish a simple task because its what I do and I enjoy it. Everyday mainstream users are not. They want something that just works without tweaking and customizing.
The reason that I bring this up is I just upgraded from Ubuntu release 9.04 to 9.10. This should have been a fairly simple upgrade and for the most part it was. However, my sound broke. Yes its not much but having working sounds is elemental to a computing experience. Until various Linux distro’s can standardize enough to minimize these sorts of things, Linux market share will remain minimal.
your wife says
admin says
You should relate to this since you get to be the guinea pig on using Ubuntu for all of the computers in the house. 😉
We can add the constant prompts to authorize the default keyrings and the frequent need to disable/enable the networking to the list of bugs that Ubuntu has.